Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mommy's Wardrobe

A few weeks ago, having all-new clothes, albeit maternity clothes, seemed like an awesome idea.

Now, however, I'm having a few issues with my new wardrobe, especially since I'm no longer a work-from-home gal:

1. Those cute dresses that I bought seemed to fit just fine in the store, but for all practical purposes they are too short to be comfortable in at work. Once my belly grows even more, they will be downright inappropriate to wear to work. (Not that anybody will be checking out my legs, at the rate I'm putting on my "pregnancy" weight - which, for some reason, is also on parts of my body nowhere near the 1-pound baby I'm carrying....) I need to try to find maternity dresses for tall chicks.

2. Waistlines in maternity clothes are a big pain in the ... waist. The first time I tried on maternity shorts I thought "WOW! ALL SHORTS SHOULD BE THIS COMFY!!" Those shorts are still comfy, but it's a bit cold to wear them. The pants, however, are a whole different story. The below-the-belly band doesn't quite stay where it should, so I feel like I might moon my coworkers at any moment. So I wear the pants with a belly band. Which rolls up at the edges so I'm constantly having to adjust it when I stand up. The full-panel pants look funny on me now b/c my belly still dents in a little bit where the band hits it, so it looks like my belly is divided into two fatty sections rather than one pregnant belly. It also doesn't always stay up over that belly, and is slipping down, leaving me again at risk for above-mentioned mooning; at the very least, the band itself shows from under my maternity tops. Very. Sexy.

3. Shoes. My work shoe wardrobe has always been minimalist, because I prefer comfortable shoes that are also stylish enough. Hard to find. Now, I am advised to wear low, chunky heels for optimal support. My favorite pair is a few years old - comfy black Mary Janes. However, it's getting harder to buckle them; my body just doesn't bend that way right now. If I buy a new pair now of shoes now, there is no guarantee that they will fit next month, since my feet will probably be growing. So, why bother? Maybe Ryan will agree to buckle my shoes for the next four months.

4. I won't even bother with a link back to my first post about maternity clothes, but apparently I also risk not knowing how to dress myself in the morning right now. So, there's that.

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