Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wii Fit: Six Months Later

A coworker posted an ad for a used Wii Fit for $100. I guess that's a good deal, since every place that has a lower price doesn't actually have any in-stock items to sell you.

I got curious.

I googled.

I found this guy.

Anybody buy a Wii Fit and like it?


kristin said...

i actually really like the wii fit. i don't think it replaces my gym time but it's nice when i don't feel like going to the gym. makes working out fun and you do feel the burn the next day :) how are you by the way?

Stacy said...

I like it too (even though I haven't played in months!). I use it more for fun than to really track my BMI - I really like the yoga and balance exercises. It is fun to watch your center of gravity move around the screen. I think I would have used it daily while I was on maternity leave, but I didn't get it until after I went back to work. Just don't take it too seriously!

Jennifer Roland said...

My co-workers all love their Wii Fits. I don't yet have a Wii--too busy playing WOW on my laptop to get another game console--but th Fit is the first thing I will buy when I do get a Wii.

Tori said...

I will see if it's still available... thanks for the feedback!!!